Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will change elections. Terry McAuliffe: Parents shouldn’t have a say in what their children are being taught in schools. Parents: Hold my Lacroix. We hate to say we told you so, but – obviously, we told you so. We told you CRT/DEI/etc. is rampant in the classroom. We told you it is child abuse. We told you parents are communicating. We told you we are powerful. We may not be domestic terrorists, but we dropped a truth bomb in McAuliffe election headquarters!
The tide has turned, and we have the momentum. As we write this, Rodney Glasgow is clicking his ruby slippers wishing he were back home in June 2020, Glenn Singleton is having a cowardly soliloquy, and the Pollyanna Conference is dispelling “myths” about CRT. Wounded, the DEI Industrial Complex will strike out more fiercely in defensive desperation. They will call us names, but do not give up. Join us. Send up tips, follow us, and most importantly, connect with other parents at your schools.
The education of our children is the most unifying issue for us as parents. United we stand against indoctrination. Our children’s future depends on it. Independent X School is trying to keep you apart from other parents so you don’t share information. Hold your own town hall. And Trustees – take the power back. There is no reason to submit to the NAIS cartel. Remember NAIS was only founded in 1962. Our schools are much older. Our mission is much stronger.
Time to stop following the narrative. Time to make the narrative. Virginia parents have spoken – now it’s YOUR turn.